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About One Bad Ant

One Bad Ant is the sole proprietorship I founded in 1999. In the beginning I focused my skills in business and software analysis, database design, coding, graphic arts, and UI/UX design on designing and developing web sites.


One of the things that sets me apart from the rest is my commitment to innovation. I’m constantly exploring emerging trends and incorporating them into my design and development processes. In that vein, I’ve evolved One Bad Ant from a strictly web development agency to one that also designs and develops native apps.

In the App Solutions and Web Solutions sections of this site you’ll discover the breadth and depth of my skills in HTML5, CSS, Javascript, SQL, database design, XML and PHP, my experience developing websites in a variety of content management systems, including Joomla, Commonspot, Drupal, and WordPress. I’ll show you the apps I’ve developed using Xcode and Objective C, the Android and iOS apps developed in Solar2d (formerly Corona SDK) and in Unity and C#.

By necessity and because I enjoy all aspects of the application development lifecycle, I wear many hats and I work with small companies, Not for Profits, individual artists, business owners and with large organizations with multi-million dollar annual budgets.

I thrive in an environment where I can work with creative people and am passionate about the quality of the work I put out in the world. So, whether you are looking for a website that not only captivates your audience but also drives engagement and converts visitors into customers or you have an awesome idea for an app I have you covered.

In short, I solve problems and build cool stuff and I’m happy to help you achieve your goals.

One Bad Ant is my web and app design and development site. has more information about my game development, photography, illustration & graphic art skills including links to those portfolios.

Resume & Skills

Ideally this site highlights my skills and experience and demonstrates my mastery of the design and development of web sites and apps. However, you'll also find links to a traditional resume and list of skills below.

One Bad Ant © 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.