A doorway opens in a dark maze.Your glowing, smiling Bowtie Guy appears in the doorway and illuminates the immediate surrounding maze…
But he won’t be smiling for long unless you can navigate through the dark maze, illuminating it as you go. Find the way out before the maze’s illumination fades and your Bowtie Guy loses his energy.
As the Bowtie Guy’s energy level drains his expression becomes increasingly sad and he begins to fade!
Restore Your Glow!
You can restore Bowtie Guy’s energy by seeking the glowing batteries hidden along the maze. Each battery has a finite amount of power and will go dark once you’ve drained them. So, use them wisely and don’t dawdle!
Wormholes - Friend or Foe?
Your goal is to find the blue, glowing exit before your energy runs out, but also keep an eye out for wormholes!
Wormholes can be your friend, transporting you nearer the exit, or your nemesis, carrying you further away! Wormholes don’t appear in all mazes, and on a few they may actually be your only chance to reach the exit.
Score and More
Your goal is to conquer the mazes in the fewest attempts and in the shortest time.
IllumiMaze is free! There are three levels of difficulty starting with the “Fun” level (the easiest and smallest mazes) and then moving up to “Challenge” and finally to “Frustrating”.
Each maze is different. Some look like wood, some are frozen, others are hedges or desert.
Go Get 'Em!
Built for iOS and Android tablets (sorry not for smartphones). Enjoy them both!
(And be sure to rate the app to encourage me to develop new mazes and new features!)