Welcome to the redesigned One Bad Ant!
Web sites age and it was time.
The previous One Bad Ant (OBA) web site was highly focused on my client projects, but just like this site, client sites are always evolving and changing and sometimes disappear completely. Therefore, the redesign focuses more on my portfolio of web and app design skills. You’ll still find some examples of client projects and I may write about them in the Blog section of this site.
The site’s Welcome page is just what it says. About OBA provides you with background about my consulting business. The heart of the site can be found in the App Solutions and Web Solutions sections.
If you are looking for a traditional resume or list of skills you can find a link to keithkubarek.com in the footer of every page along with social media links.
Feel free to explore my portfolio and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a web, app, analysis, or design project in mind.